Re-Elect Chuck Huffer
Director, Conejo Recreation & Park District (CRPD), Division 1
General Election to be held November 5, 2024 |
Why am I Running Again?
Education, Experience
and Involvement
During my 12 years on the CRPD Board, we have opened
several new parks: Del Prado Playfield, Sapwi Trails Community Park, and
Paige Lane Neighborhood Park. We have completed major improvements to many
of our neighborhood and community parks; to both the Goebel Adult Center and the
Teen Center; and to the Dos Vientos, Borchard, Conejo and Thousand Oaks
Community Centers. We have added off-leash areas for our dog-lovers at 3
neighborhood parks. In 2019, on
the one year anniversary of the Borderline shooting, the City, the
Sheriff's office and CRPD dedicated The Healing Garden at Conejo Creek North, a
space for all community members for contemplation, meditation and prayer.
In 2021 we worked cooperatively with COSCA and the City to acquire the Rancho
Portrero Community Equestrian Center.
We have continued to offer hundreds of affordable
programs throughout the community, for children of all ages, for
adults, and for seniors. We are especially proud of the programs
we offer through our Therapeutic Recreation unit for those with special
I have been an active member of the Finance and
Audit Committee and several other standing and ad hoc Board committees.
I believe that it is crucial for CRPD leaders
to have strong fiscal, analytical and organizational skills developed through
both training and experience. With my post-graduate education in
Health Care Administration and in Financial Planning; with more than 20 years
experience in helping local families successfully fulfill their financial goals
and objectives; with 20 years' experience as a leader with one of Ventura County's largest non-profit organizations (AYSO Region
9); and with a very analytical and organized mind, I believe that I am
the ideal candidate to serve as a Director for CRPD.
As for community involvement, I have lived, worked and
raised a family here for 45 years. During that time
I have been an active supporter of and participant in such diverse local organizations as the
Westlake Parent Participating Nursery School (when our children were little); the
Conejo Track Club (for 30 years); the American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO),
as a coach, as a referee, and as a Board member for more than 25 years; Bobby
Sox softball; Thousand Oaks High School boosters; the Community Leaders Club of
California Lutheran University; CRPD Community Focus Groups for both Conejo
Creek and Lang Ranch Parks; CRPD Concerts in the Park; the CLU Shakespeare
Festival; the CSVP-sponsored Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program, and more.
ideas, original solutions!
The Conejo Valley has grown and changed tremendously
since the Conejo Recreation & Park District was formed in 1963, as have the
people who live here. In 1963 there were fewer than 25,000 people in our
community; today residents of the Conejo Valley number over 130,000. 60
years ago there was far more undeveloped than developed land; today, after the
completion of major developments such as Lynn Ranch, Lang Ranch and Dos Vientos,
the City of Thousand Oaks is at or near build-out. The result ... fewer
dollars available for completing new parks and for renovating existing
CRPD has grown and changed in the past 60+ years as well.
From a handful of parks, the agency today has close to 50 neighborhood
and community parks and playfields, 4 community centers in Thousand Oaks and
Newbury Park, and specialized facilities such as pools and the Teen and Senior
Centers. The quarterly Program Guide has some 45 pages of activities for
children of all ages, for adults, and for seniors.
The question is, has all this growth and change
kept pace with today's economic realities and with the changes in
our community? Will today's programs and facilities meet our
recreational needs five, ten or fifteen years down the road?
If re-elected, I will continue to provide fresh ideas, a fresh
perspective, and innovative solutions to the challenges facing the Conejo Recreation & Park District Board.
The CRPD Mission
I fully support CRPD's stated mission: "To enrich
the quality of life for our community by preserving and enhancing recreational
opportunities, parks and open space."
As Director, my goal will be to continue to ensure that the human,
fiscal and other available resources are appropriately identified and
utilized to accomplish that mission.
I am a firm believer in the old adage (with apologies to
my English grammar teachers): "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!"
Equally important, however, is the flip side to that adage: if it is
broken, we need to figure out how to most effectively and efficiently fix it.
During my tenure as Board Chair, CRPD's Strategic Plan was carefully reviewed,
significant modifications were made in several sections based on collaborative
input from both senior staff and the Board; and an implementation plan has
been approved by the Board.